Tuesday 12 September 2017

Mise-en-Scene Positioning and Sound

1. The furniture in the room is covered by white sheets. What are they meant to remind us of ?

The furniture covered in white sheets is supposed to remind us of a sense of abandonment in the house, but also it they could represent ghosts this is to make a frightening scene.

2. How is the camera positioned in different ways to make us feel scared for Grace ?

The camera is positioned close up to grace to show what exactly is going on but also in the background you can see all of the white covered sheets. We also get a tracking shot following her this is used to make us feel apart of the action. The camera angle where it spins around he opposite to the way she is looking , also by coincides with when the whispering and voices start , to make it seem as if she cant find the source of the whispers.

3. How is the sound used in this sequence to scare us ?

There is an embarking silence to create a sense of hostility and scarcity, this is so any other external noises like the creaky wood panel is louder to make the audience jump, and when noises do happen they seem more scary and sudden.Then when she is circled by the camera, whispering and voices emerge and sharp music to put the audience on edge. the whispers are diegetic noises.

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