Tuesday 10 October 2017

Opening Scene analysis One flew over the cuckoo's nest

Mise-en-Scene in the credits.

1. What does the imagery of the shots (the credit sequence) suggest to the audience ?
The mysterious headlights of a car appear from darkness, from nowhere, in an atmosphere of a bleak hostile mountain with snow ob the peak of it, the cold and unwelcoming where there are gloomy fields which look very hostile, this car just pierces through the shot and goes right across the mysterious area, the way the car cuts right the the middle of the landscape in the way that McMurphy cuts right through the lives of the men on the mental ward, the bleak and unwelcoming landscape represent the mental institute and of the nurses.

Introduction to the main characters.

1. We are firstly introduced to the nurse Miss. Ratched as she comes through a caged door onto the mental ward, in tranquil and an organised way saying "good morning" to everyone she is showing a lot of confidence,the setting of a dull colours of a mental ward, she appear wearing all black which suggests us of her villainy in rest of the film, nothing represents villainy more than a black cloak and this is what she appear to be wearing, this costume is a perfect representation of her character in this movie, there is a red light on the wall behind he which instantly makes the spectator think danger, which also shows the bad environment she walks into, the lighting in the room is very ark as shadows are casted from the windows which further enhances the bleakness of the set and also refers back to the the setting in the credits of the gloomy and mysterious mountain. As she is the first main character present to us we can see that she will  obtain the most dominance of the main characters. Next we are introduced to the main character R.P.McMurphy who arrives in chains in a prison state car, this automatically shows us that his character will be bold in this film, the outfit choice is casual jeans and boots with a leather jacket and wool hat, nothing represents a rebellion more than jeans and a leather jacket, also his black hat suggests us is villainy side, this is why the costume is specific to him as it is a perfect representation of his characteristics. As he enters the mental institute his cuffs are removed and he shows major joy as he jumps and kisses the guard on the cheek, maybe he seems slightly mental also but when i first watched i wasn't to sure weather it was an act or not, he is laughing because he has managed to get out of prison to hopefully live his days in the institute living an easy life, he lighting is very naturalistic daylight and he isn't made to come across as a 'hero' or 'villain',

Gender representation

Gender is very much so represented with female dominance in this opening scene as Miss Ratched is very brace and you can tell she holds a greater power than the rest of the people that will be in the film. This completely reversed as especially in the 1970's the role of a female was very typically a male sex object, and male's obtained dominance.

Main character's relationship view

From this opening scene we can clearly see that how both of these main characters contrast they're relationship will be very conflicted as she wants all of the ward to run smoothly and how she likes it, but McMurphy is sure to make all of that change in an instant of his arrival, we can already see that he will grate on her from when his cuffs are taken off and he rages and joy. Ultimately we can see her calm and tranquil entrance and his boisterous and loud entrance, we can see they will be on a collision course across the whole film.

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