Wednesday 27 September 2017


This film is about a man (Scotty) who suffers from vertigo who previously worked as an investigator, an old school friends seeks his help and he desires scotties comes out of retirement and become an investigator again but on a private case. His friends wife is presumed to be ' possessed ' by her great grand mother. In the end she drives herself to an early death at the age of 26, Scotty fell in love with her and is now deeply remorse, until he see's a look alike wondering near a jewellers so he begins a friendship with the woman and he takes her for a dinner but he notice's she is wearing an exact piece of jewellery that her great grandmother  (Carlotta Valdez), before the meals he changes the occasion and takes her to the death scene of his ex-loved one to finally unveil that she was an actor of his friends wife, whilst his fled to Europe after the apparent 'suicide' of his wife whom he had already murdered. In the end she dies after falling out of the church tower accidentally.

My personal response of this film is that its a considerably film taken that it was made in 1958, the film is always giving and giving whenever you seem to think it will end. The use of acting in this film is very good and naturalistic, I think James stuart ages 50 when this film was made was inappropriate for his character whom was said to be in his mid 30's, Kim Novak who was 25 when this film was made was supposed to be around 30 which is strange as there was 25 years between them so their relationship seemed very strange.My analysis of the use of Mise-en-Scene used in this film; Editing is good very the time it was made but is nothing compare to technology used in present time, but for what they had at the time the editing is very good and natural. Sound used in this film is mainly dialogue, of course normal sound where doors shut and river splashes against the rocks and vehicles driving, also a lot of orchestral music is used which is of course non-diegetic. Camera angles and movements used in this film are definitely dated but appropriate for the time considering they had to record everything and then put it on a movie screen and record from a stationary car at a given angle as they couldn't use green screens.

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